When boredom strikes, your pantry may be one of the first places you turn. But if your pantry is filled with high-calorie, high-fat foods, over time, the scale will tip in the wrong direction. Counter these temptations by tossing the junk food and replacing it with wholesome, nutritional snack options.
It’s time to give your pantry a healthy makeover by tossing the following five foods for good!
What to toss: Baked Goods
It’s time to ditch those lingering holiday treats in your pantry. The refined sugar and saturated fat won’t do your weight loss plan any favors. Keeping a stash of sweets in your cabinet will only tempt you to give into your cravings. And by now, the holiday treats won’t taste fresh, so why waste the calories?
Replace with: Dark chocolate
When your sweet tooth strikes, you don’t have to feel so guilty indulging in dark chocolate. Dark chocolate is high in anti-inflammatory flavonoids, meaning it has antioxidant properties that help protect your heart. Stick to one serving, which is about a one-inch square, for a healthier alternative to cookies and brownies.
What to toss: Sugary Cereals
Breakfast is an excellent way to kick-start your day, as long as you eat healthy, energy-boosting foods. Don’t be fooled by a stamp of good health on the box. Read the food label. Some cereals have as much sugar as a candy bar. If it has more than 1 to 1.5 teaspoons (4 to 6 grams) per serving, you should steer clear.
Replace with: Oatmeal
Old-fashioned oatmeal is a five-star breakfast pick. A recent study published by the Harvard School of Public Health found eating more whole grains can reduce your risk of a cardiovascular disease-related mortality by 15 percent. Spice up your oatmeal by adding fresh fruit, peanut butter, or cinnamon.
What to toss: Microwave Popcorn
While popcorn is accepted as a healthier snack, most microwaveable popcorn is drenched in fat-laden butter, and some of the bags contain chemicals that can hurt your health in the long term.
Replace with: Stove-popped popcorn
Use canola oil to pop your popcorn on the stove and season with salt. If you like an extra kick, throw in some chili powder or hot sauce for a reduced-guilt snack.
What to toss: Dried Fruit
Not all dried fruit is created equal. The healthier options simply drain the water, making for an excellent on-the-go snack, but others have added preservatives and sugars, making for a less healthy version of its fresh fruit counterpart. Read the nutrition label. A long list of ingredients is a red flag to throw it in the trash.
Replace with: Fresh fruit
An apple a day you can’t go wrong with fresh fruit to keep you feeling full. Plus, you’ll never get bored with so many fiber-packed options.
What to toss: Crackers
Crackers may taste good, but they are not the best complement to your favorite dip, lacking in nutritional value. Most brands have very little fiber, so you may eat more to feel satisfied.
Replace with: Fresh vegetables
Satisfy your crunchy craving with fresh vegetables. Carrots and broccoli take on the flavor of any dip and pack a powerful fiber punch!