Is sugar an ingredient in your food and drinks? Find out how impacts your brain, heart, and the rest of your body.
Nutrition • General Health • Activity & Health • Stress Management • Sleep Hygiene
Is sugar an ingredient in your food and drinks? Find out how impacts your brain, heart, and the rest of your body.
Learn what sarcopenia is, how it relates to obesity, and what you can do to minimize the harmful effects of both.
Cheese can be a healthy addition to your weight loss plan. Learn the best cheeses for weight loss and which you should avoid.
Want to lose weight without hunger and keep it off? Protein makes it possible.
A report released by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has a grim prediction for America’s future. It says that by the year 2050, 1 in 3 adults will have type 2 diabetes — two to three times more than today’s already increasing rates.
Metabolism. We hear it used all the time when people talk about their weight, “I can’t lose weight because my metabolism is too slow.” But what exactly does that mean? And is that really the case? With so much information floating around on this subject, it’s easy to get the facts mixed up. Let’s clear up how metabolism, or your metabolic system, works to help you manage your weight.
Learn what sarcopenia is, how it relates to obesity, and what you can do to minimize the harmful effects of both.
When you start a new diet, it seems like you're given a laundry list off foods that are off limits no ice cream, potato chips, cookies, French fries, etc. You're told they will give you diabetes or a heart attack, to think of these foods as a splurge at best.
A recent study found that one's fitness level at midlife was a good predictor if one would go on to develop heart disease, or not.
When it comes to exercise options I recommend for weight loss and maintenance, walking is at the top of the list.
You’re a regular exerciser. You find yourself at the gym, day in and day out, working up a sweat, thinking about building a healthier, more toned body. You’re expecting results, and by all means, you should. But for some reason, you just aren’t seeing them, on the scale and in the mirror.
American industry icon Henry Ford once famously said, Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t — you’re right. Said another way, you may be the only one standing in the way of your dreams, which includes achieving weight loss goals.
Everyone has moments where they feel sad or upset. These feelings usually go away in a few days and life returns to normal. For many others, these feelings last for much longer periods of time because they suffer from clinical depression.
You're knee-deep in work and can feel tension building in your shoulders. One word sums up how you feel: stressed! Next time your nerves are on edge and you feel like reaching for food to soothe your ruffled feathers, try calming down with one of these stress busters:
You already know that cutting calories and being more active is the path to weight loss. But did you realize getting better sleep is, too?
Waking up in the morning can be a struggle, but if fatigue persists for more than an hour, it may be a symptom of an underlying issue or medical condition. Your body deserves to wake up each day feeling refreshed, and by doing so, you’re setting yourself up for weight loss success. If you can’t seem to shake that drowsy morning feeling, making some changes to your diet or everyday routine can give you a boost of energy.
Many factors are at work when it comes to weight loss, and the proper amount of quality sleep is a crucial one. Just like weight, sleep is a core function that impacts your overall health and wellbeing. So it should come as little surprise that the better you sleep, the higher your chances of achieving your weight loss goals.