Stress Management

You're knee-deep in work and can feel tension building in your shoulders. One word sums up how you feel: stressed! Next time your nerves are on edge and you feel like reaching for food to soothe your ruffled feathers, try calming down with one of these stress busters:...

You can be the most experienced, qualified person for a job in your field. You may look great on paper, maybe even nailed the interview. But a seemingly unrelated physical factor may be standing in the way of your dream job your weight....

Your morning sets the tone for the remainder of the day, so it’s important to start it right! Small changes to your morning routine can make a big difference in the number on the scale....

You may be familiar with the love-hate relationship with your bathroom scale. And when you are not losing weight, you probably aren’t feeling the love, even though deep down, you know the scale isn’t really to blame. When the scale won’t budge, it’s time to take a closer look at your habits. You may be making one of the following common mistakes that is keeping you from reaching your weight loss goals....

The saying "youth is wasted on the young" might just hold the most meaning when talking about weight loss. In our early years, we rarely give a second thought to the consequences of splurging on late night milkshake and fries. It may create temporary uncomfortable feelings, but we can bounce back the next day with fairly little effort. And then we do it again and again, because our young, energy-efficient bodies give us the runway to do so. How wonderful, right?!...

The season of love is finally here. As we prepare for Valentine’s Day by giving flowers and other symbols of affection, let’s remember to show our own tickers some tender love and care. As February also marks American Heart Month, we here at CMWL would like to remind everyone of just how important weight loss is to protecting your heart....

When you decide to start a weight loss program, one of the first rules you often hear is to cut down on fats. While it is true that foods high in fat can contribute to weight gain, there is much more to the story about fats that has not been widely acknowledged, which includes the fact that fats can also help with weight loss. You heard that right. Fats can help with weight loss....

How many times have you stood in front of the full-length mirror, sucking in your stomach, flattening out your bulges and cursing your cellulite until you’ve exhausted the curse word dictionary? The answer for most of us is probably too many times to count. ...

American industry icon Henry Ford once famously said, Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t — you’re right. Said another way, you may be the only one standing in the way of your dreams, which includes achieving weight loss goals....

After the American Medical Association officially declared obesity a chronic disease in July 2013, more doctors and medical providers naturally have sought to learn about the biological mechanisms driving the condition, and the optimal treatment approaches for it. One of the surprising things they may have discovered is that numbers on the scale tell only part of the story about how weight impacts overall health. In short, what they’ve learned is that it’s all about the fat....