Stress Management

Whenever we encounter a problem in our lives, whether it’s financial, emotional, physical, or what have you, our initial instinct is usually to try to solve it ourselves. Get a cut, put a Band-Aid on it. Break up with your boyfriend, cry it out for a week. But what if the wound keeps opening up? Or, what if the crying lasts for more than six months? At what point do we know it’s time to seek professional help?...

There’s an old joke that goes like this: Question: How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Answer: Practice, practice, practice? Sure, it’s corny. But it’s true! If you want to succeed at anything in life, it takes developing your skills, and that requires practice. Weight loss is no different....

Are you a migraineur? It originates from the French and means, one who suffers from migraine headaches. If you are one of the 30 million Americans who meet that definition, the derivation of the word seems appropriate since you might find yourself uttering a lot of French as you suffer a migraine’s signature mind-crushing pain, nausea, vomiting, and heightened sensitivity to light and sound. And you should know that if you are carrying too much weight, you have an increased chance of becoming a migraineur (mon dieu!)....

I’ll be happy when I lose all the weight. This might just be one of the most heartbreakingly misguided beliefs we hear all the time from people struggling with weight loss. We know it is easier said than done, but feeling happy with yourself first is actually an essential ingredient to achieving your weight loss goals....

Chronic depression is a sly condition. If you suffer from it, you probably can’t pinpoint when it first had you in its grip. It just crept up on you until you realized you needed to do something to lift the weight holding you down....

Do you know Tom Petty’s song where he says, the waiting is the hardest part When it comes to losing weight and living a healthier lifestyle, a more apt lyric might be the starting is the hardest part....

When the Beatles traveled to India in 1968, it wasn’t to perform Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Heart Club Band, Ob-La-Do, Ob-La-Da, or any of their other massive hits for an Eastern audience. In fact, it was they who played the role of audience to the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the creator of Transcendental Meditation....

You bounce out of bed at 6am and head off to the gym for an hour-long sweat. After a good workout, you have a nutritious, veggie omelet with juicy ripe tomatoes you picked from your garden....

With another blast of spectacular July 4th fireworks right around the corner celebrating our nation’s independence, it got us thinking about what independence means in terms of health and well-being. ...

You probably already know that obesity can cause hypertension, but did you know there are certain foods that help prevent or lower the risk of high blood pressure? According to the Framingham Heart Study, people suffering from obesity have a 27% increased risk of hypertension....