Nutrition Info

Do you know what percentage of your weight is fat, muscle, bone, or water? Why it's important to understand your body composition for weight loss....

Call it nature’s outdated survival plan. Anytime one tries to cut calories in an attempt to lose weight, the body responds by slowing metabolism to closer match calorie intake and to prevent weight loss. ...

Could you be sensitive to a food you eat on a regular basis, and not even know it? Could that sensitivity be playing a role in your weight problems?...

Last week a U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advisory panel recommended that Allergan’s Lap-Band weight-loss device be approved for use in patients with BMIs between 30 and 35. While the FDA has not yet approved the move, based upon the panel’s recommendation it’s likely that it will happen....

It’s no secret that as a society, Americans and other industrialized nations are getting heavier and obesity rates are skyrocketing compared to generations past. But have you ever wondered why this is happening?...

A recent study linking sugary drinks like soda pop to an increased risk of gout is just another reason in a long list of why I think what you drink is just as important to your health as what you eat....

You may have been hearing more about the possible negative health effects of high-fructose corn syrup or seeing food labels that declare "No High-Fructose Corn Syrup" and wondered if dropping this ingredient from your diet can help you shed weight....

Many popular fad diet plans recommend fasting or eating little except cabbage soup, juice, or some other liquid for several days as a way to jump-start weight loss. But do they work? ...