Food and Nutrition

You may have heard that high-fiber foods are an excellent choice for those trying to lose weight and they are but they're good for you for a number of other reasons as well....

Many people think of snacking as a bad thing, but when you are trying to lose weight and keep it off, strategic snacking can be one of the best strategies to avoid hunger and binge eating....

What if I told you it's possible to lose weight and eat fewer calories without feeling hungry? Sounds great, right? And it's not only possible, it's what you should plan to do if you want to lose weight and keep it off....

One of the best ways to stick to a medical weight loss plan is to make sure you keep hunger and the resulting cravings that accompany it under control. Use the following five tips to make sure you don't find yourself feeling famished, and tempted! ...

Does losing weight and keeping it off mean forgoing sugar forever? How bad is sugar for you, really?...

If you work at a desk job, chances are the results of a new study will come as no surprise: Researchers say people today move less at work than in decades past, and experts are now thinking this may be playing a part in America's growing weight problems....

You may have heard that the USDA recently replaced the Food Pyramid model with a new concept called MyPlate in an attempt to make eating well easier and help curtail the obesity epidemic. But will it work?...

Detox diets, cleanses, and fasts may be trendy in the weight loss world, but do they really work? In short, when it comes to weight loss or, more accurately, fat loss no. Detox diets for weight loss are not the answer....

Wouldn't it be great if all you had to do to lose weightand keep it off was to drink a few teaspoons of apple cider vinegar mixed into a glass of water or juice every day?...

Did you know it's harder for women to lose weight than men? Sadly and unfairly, it's true. But with a few smart strategies, women can tip the scales in their favor with these 4 weight loss tips for women....