General Health

Many popular fad diet plans recommend fasting or eating little except cabbage soup, juice, or some other liquid for several days as a way to jump-start weight loss. But do they work? ...

A recent study by Consumer Reports National Research Center asked people if they had a healthy diet and produced some interesting results....

You may have heard of several recent initiatives attempting to tax sugary drinks like soda to try and curb the skyrocketing obesity rates....

Do you have a weight loss support team? A person, or ideally a group of people, you can rely on to support your goal of losing weight and living a healthier life?...

Year after year, lose weight tops the list of most popular New Year’s resolutions. And it’s no wonder, considering three quarters of American adults is either overweight or clinically obese....

You may have heard reports about a recent study that claimed to have found a link between indoor heating and weight problems. But could it be true?...

You may have heard reports about a recent study that claimed to have found a link between indoor heating and weight problems. But could it be true?...