Activity & Exercise

Do you know what percentage of your weight is fat, muscle, bone, or water? Why it's important to understand your body composition for weight loss....

It’s no secret that as a society, Americans and other industrialized nations are getting heavier and obesity rates are skyrocketing compared to generations past. But have you ever wondered why this is happening?...

When it comes to exercise options I recommend for weight loss and maintenance, walking is at the top of the list....

However, I have a feeling there are very few people with a weight problem who fit into this category, so before one takes the leap that this study means starting an exercise routine could be bad for them, too, I'd like to suggest the opposite....

What if I told you it's possible to lose weight and eat fewer calories without feeling hungry? Sounds great, right? And it's not only possible, it's what you should plan to do if you want to lose weight and keep it off....

Did you know that video games once to blame for contributing to a sedentary lifestyle now may be part of the solution for overcoming being a couch potato?...

If you work at a desk job, chances are the results of a new study will come as no surprise: Researchers say people today move less at work than in decades past, and experts are now thinking this may be playing a part in America's growing weight problems....