Activity & Exercise

Did you know that it's possible to work out too hard? The truth is you can burn fat and calories, increase your cardiovascular health, build muscle, increase your lifespan, and drastically cut your risk of many serious illnesses all while exercising at a pace where you can still comfortably carry on a conversation....

Your bags are packed, and you’re ready to hit the road for a much-needed vacation. For many, vacation is synonymous with high-calorie meals and little exercise. You return home feeling like your weight loss plan took 10 steps backward. But it doesn’t have to be that way! You can still enjoy a fun and relaxing trip without derailing your weight loss plan. Here’s how:...

Goals. We all have them. Some are smaller, short-term goals, like finishing a project at work. Some are bigger, long-term goals, like losing weight....

You don’t need a fancy cardio machine to pump up your heart rate. In fact, you can squeeze small exercise sessions into your day simply by trading in the elevator for the stairs. Walking up three flights of stairs burns about 20 calories. Think about it: Walking just five flights of stairs can burn off that bag of pretzels you ate with your lunch. It may be one of the oldest tricks in the book, but new research confirms it can be an excellent weight loss tool when combined with a healthy diet....

You’re a regular exerciser. You find yourself at the gym, day in and day out, working up a sweat, thinking about building a healthier, more toned body. You’re expecting results, and by all means, you should. But for some reason, you just aren’t seeing them, on the scale and in the mirror....

You can be the most experienced, qualified person for a job in your field. You may look great on paper, maybe even nailed the interview. But a seemingly unrelated physical factor may be standing in the way of your dream job your weight....

If you think you can’t keep up physically with your friend who hits the gym every day, think again. Exercising every day may not be the best way to maximize your fitness and weight loss potential. A study published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise found those who trained every day burned fewer calories than those who exercised only a few days per week....

You just had an amazing workout. You took the intensity up a notch, held a plank longer than usual, and maybe even ran an extra mile. You feel great, accomplished, like you can tackle any task thrown your way. But the next day, the reality of going the extra distance strikes you’re incredibly sore!...

When you turn 50, you have a lot to celebrate you're half a century old! You’ve made it this far unscathed, so you may ask yourself, What's the point in changing my health habits now? I’ve already sealed my fate; it’s too late to reverse any disease that's coming my way now....