A high-functioning metabolism is essential for weight loss, but what is it exactly? Simply put, metabolism is the process by which your body manages the energy your body needs to perform functions to maintain life.


Your total metabolism is broken down into three main parts:

  • Resting or basal metabolism. This is the process your body uses to regulate the energy required for the most basic functions while you’re at rest. These functions include breathing, circulating your blood by pumping your heart, and brain function. Measured as the basic metabolic rate, or BMR, about 70 percent of the calories burned throughout the day are at resting level.
  • Digestion: The processes guiding the amount of energy required to digest the foods you eat.
  • Physical activity: The process by which the body burns calories.

As you can see from the statistics above, knowing your resting metabolism pays dividends for those trying to lose weight. For example, if your resting metabolism is 1500 calories, then you know that eating 1500 calories would provide your body enough fuel to get through the day without causing any weight gain or weight loss. Eating less than that would create a calorie deficit promoting weight loss, and eating more would create a surplus, which would promote fat storage and weight gain. If you concentrate on eating below your resting metabolism, you will certainly lose weight. The calories you burn from digestion and exercise will be a bonus.

A lot of people think that they are predestined to always have a slow metabolism, but that couldn’t be further than the truth. Resting metabolism isn’t set in stone, and in fact, you should always be striving to increase it. Here are a few ways you can do it:

  • Build muscle mass. The more muscle you have in your body, the more calories it will burn at rest. The best way to build lean muscle mass is through exercise and physical activity. Strength training, such as with weights and body weight exercises, is particularly powerful you will need to do strength training such as weight training or bodyweight exercises.
  • Get more sleep. No one is entirely sure why, but the body requires adequate sleep to function. But one thing researchers do know is that the body corrects hormonal imbalances that affect metabolism while you get your shuteye.
  • Consume metabolic-boosting foods and drinks. Foods like hot peppers and green tea contain properties that have been shown to increase metabolism. While consuming foods and beverages is often the most preferred way of getting these benefits, you can also get them in supplement form.

There are many more ways to achieve a higher resting metabolic weight. Why not let Dr. Pinto tell you all about them in our CMWL Weight Loss Talk podcast? Once you have the facts, then you can take the necessary steps to get the boost you need!